Stopiranje je odlična ideja ako želite uštedjeti nešto novaca na putovanju stranom zemljom.

Ovo je nekoliko stvari koje bi Vam mogle biti koriste prilikom avanture putovanja autostopom:

  1. Kada birate mjesto gdje ćete stopirati, vodite računa da sa strane ima ugibalište na kojem se auto može zaustaviti, a da pritom ne prouzroči prometni kolaps. Posegnite za mjestom sa malim proširenjima na cesti, duge ravne dionice ceste, odnosno bilo koju lokaciju na kojoj bi se automobil mogao skloniti s ceste i iz nekog drugog razloga.
  2. Raspitajte se na benzinskim crpkama. Uvijek je jednostavnije “uhvatiti” prijevoz ako stupite u kontakt s vozačima. Stoga, iskoristite svaku priliku za interakciju s ljudim uz obavezno prisustvo osmijeha!
  3. Obavezno svaku iduću destinaciju čitko napišite na komad papira ili kartona. Na taj će način vozači znati idete li u njihovom smjeru te vrijedi li uopće stati.
  4. Eye contact s vozačima je izuzetno bitan. Na taj način će vozač dobiti dojam kako bi Vas upravo on/ona trebao/la povesti do željene destinacije.
  5. Obucite se lijepo! Ovo uvelike popravlja dojam i ulijeva sigurnost potencijalnim vozačima. Pobrinite se da Vam odjeća bude čista i uredna.

Primijenite ove savjete u svojoj idućoj avanturi stopiranja i zasigurno ćete povećati šansu da Vas netko poveze, smanjiti vrijeme čekanja na prijavoz te biti sigurniji i doživjeti ugodno iskustvo.

Hitchhiking is a great way to save money on transportation while having an exciting and unpredictable travel adventure in a foreign country.

There are a few things that can help you during your hitchhiking adventure:

  1. Always pick a spot where a car can easily pull aside without creating a jam. Look for places where the road temporarily widens, small indentations, long straight stretches, or basically just any places where a driver would naturally pull over if they needed to stop for any reason.
  2. Ask people at gas stations. It is easier to hitch a ride while having a personal interaction, so use every occasion to talk to people and don’t forget to smile.
  3. Make a large sign with your next destination clearly written on it. The sign should help to filter out drivers that are not going far enough to be of much help to you and should also confirm to drivers who might be otherwise unsure about your destination that they can help you out, thereby making them more likely to pull over.
  4. Make strong eye contact with the driver. Making eye contact gives the driver the impression that you are looking specifically at him to help you out and makes him feel personally targeted and relied on to help you out.
  5. Dress well. In order to minimize the sense of risk that the driver perceives, it’s really important to look clean, presentable, and trustworthy. Make sure your clothes are at least fairly clean and that you’re not looking too scruffy or unkempt.

Start implementing these tips on your next hitchhiking adventure and you’ll increase your chances of getting a ride, reduce the amount of waiting time and you’ll be sure to stay safe and have an enjoyable experience.

By: Anna, Asia, Agata & Iga.