15. prosinca 2021. godine održao se webinar na temu “Digitalni otpad i kako svijet učiniti zelenijim”, a na kojem su sudjelovali volonteri Europskih snaga solidarnosti u Alfa Alboni – Clarisse, Charlie i Vivian.* Webinar je organiziran od strane EBL-a – Eurodesk Brussels Link, tijela koje koordinira Eurodesk mrežom**, a tema je privukla velik broj sudionika.

Bio je ovo odličan webinar za one koji se nisu do sada susretali s temom digitalnog otpada. Glavni dio webinara bio je, kroz statistiku i fotografije, objasniti što je zapravo digitalni otpad. Statistički podaci govore nam koliko otpada proizvedemo jednostavnim, svakodnevnim online aktivnostima. Primjerice, koliko CO2 proizvedemo prilikom slanja jednog email-a. Iako pretjerano prikazivanje statistike u prezentaciji može biti prilično zamorno, u ovom slučaju bilo je vrlo informativno i inspirativno. 

Sudionici su imali prilike provjeriti vlstite digitalne navike kroz kratki upitnik. Krajnji rezultat bio je uvid koliko su pojedinci “čisti” prilikom  korištenja digitalne tehnologije.

Posljednji dio webinara bio je “sesija čišćenja” na kojoj sudionici mogli odabrati čišćenje svojih računala ili pametnih telefona i dokumentirati koliko su gigabajta izbrisali. Upute za “čišćenje” bile su jednostavne, a samim time sudonicima lakše za primjenu. 

Cijeli je webinar trajao sat vremena. Bio je vrlo zanimljiv i informativan te nas osvjestio da se osvrnemo na nešto što inače zanemarujemo u svom svakodnevnom korištenju digitalne tehnologije.


On the 15th of December 2021 the volunteers of Alfa Albona took part in a webinar held on Zoom with the theme “Digital Waste and how to make the world greener”. The interesting topic attracted a large and mixed audience and was hosted by Eurodesk.

All in all, it was a good webinar for people who hadn’t been much invested in the topic before. The main part of the webinar was explaining through statistics and pictures, what exactly digital waste is. The statistics mainly depicted how much waste is produced by simple online activities. Like, for example, how much CO2 is emitted by the simple writing and sending of an Email. Although excessively showing statistics in a presentation can be quite tiring, in this case, it was very informative and eye-opening.

The host then gave the audience a survey about personal digital habits to fill out. The end result (points per question that were collected) determined how “clean” the individual’s habits are, while online.

The last part of the webinar was a “cleaning session” where the audience could choose to clean their PCs or Smartphones and document how many Gigabytes they had deleted. The instructions for the “cleaning” were informative thus making it easier for the participant to take part.

A short conclusion based on the finish for the webinar. The whole session took about an hour.

All in all, the webinar was very interesting due to the topic, as well as the interactive inclusion of participants. It was a very good insight into a topic, that is often left out of the conventional fight against climate change.

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash


* Projekt je financiran od strane Agencije za mobilnost i programe EU kroz program Europskih snaga solidarnosti. Sufinancirano sredstvima Europske unije.

** Eurodesk je besplatni europski informacijski servis za mlade.