Nakon završetka ljetnog kampa imala sam dovoljno vremena da razmislim o iskustvima koje sam tamo doživjela. Kamp je trajao dva mjeseca i meni je to bio prvi put da kampiram, pa mi je to u početku bio izazov. Dugo boraviti u prirodi i nositi se sa spavanjem u šatoru i kukcima bilo je nešto na što se trebalo priviknuti.
Za mene osobno još jedan izazov bio je nesposobnost plivanja zbog straha od vode, ali željela sam dobro iskoristiti vrijeme koje sam provodila uz more. Jedna od stvari koje sam naučila ovog ljeta bila je važnost ljudske povezanosti. Imala sam sreću upoznati mnogo dragih ljudi koji su sa mnom podijelili svoju ljubaznost i svoja iskustva.
Prijateljica mi je pomogla da se nosim sa strahom od vode i ovo ljeto sam dosta napredovala.
Još jedna vrijedna stvar koju mi je donijelo ovo ljeto je iskustvo sudjelovanja u nekoliko različitih aktivnosti. Naučila sam organizaciju projekta i što se sve mora dogoditi u pozadini da bi aktivnosti u projektu bili uspješni. Ovo znanje želim iskoristiti u budućnosti i sama nešto pomoći ili organizirati.
After the end of the summer camp we had enough time to reflect on our experiences from the time we spent working there. The camp lasted for two months and for me it was the first time to be camping, which is why I found it a challenge in the beginning. Being out in the nature for such a long time and dealing with sleeping in a tent and insects was something that needed getting used to.
For me personally another challenge was not being able to swim because of my fear of water but wanting to use well the time I had surrounded by the sea. One of the things I learned this summer was the importance of human connection. I was lucky enough to meet many lovely people who shared their kindness and their experiences with me.
One of the friends helped me deal with the fear of water and I made a lot of progress this summer.
Another valuable thing this summer has brought me is the experience of being a part of several different projects. I learned how a project is organized and everything that has to happen in the background for the projects to be successful. I want to use this knowledge in the future and help with or organize something on my own.
Projekt je financiran od strane Agencije za mobilnost i programe EU kroz program Europskih snaga solidarnosti. Sufinancirano sredstvima Europske unije