Projekt “Workpetence – Online tool for Competence Balance for Youth Employment” kojeg zajednički provode Mladinski Sovet Prilep iz Makedonije, Udruga za mlade Alfa Albona iz Hrvatske i United Societies of Balkans iz Grčke u sklopu Erasmus + programa ima za cilj povećanje kompetencija osoba koje rade s mladima te asistenciju pri zapošljavanju mladih kroz aktivnosti koje uključuju: uspostavljanje smjernica za savjetovanje i online mentorstvo te pružanje digitalnih alata za podršku na području zapošljavanja mladih.

Projekt će se usredotočiti na dvije teme:

1.) sudjelovanje mladih, rad mladih i politika mladih i

2.) pitanja tržišta rada – profesionalno usmjeravanje / nezaposlenost mladih, stvaranje mrežnih sinergija između NEET skupine mladih ljudi i osoba koje rade s mladima.


U proteklom razdoblju održani su sastanci između partnera koji su definirali buduće korake u provedbi aktivnosti koje će doprinijeti uspješnoj provedbi i postizanju rezultata.

Projekt ćete moći pratiti i kroz članke koje ćemo objavljivati jednom mjesečno na našem webu.

U nastavku možete pročitati prvi.


What are the competences of young people on the needs of labor market / WORKPETENCE

Youth unemployment means the unemployment of young people, defined by the United Nations as 15–24 years old. An unemployed person is defined as someone who does not have a job but is actively seeking work. In order to qualify as unemployed for official and statistical measurement, the individual must be without employment, willing and able to work, of the officially designated ‘working age’ and actively searching for a position.

The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that nearly 75 million young people are unemployed in the world today. This number has increased by more than 4 million since the financial crisis of 2008-9, and the outlook for the medium term is worsening. Increasingly there is a realization that the levels of youth unemployment are not simply a mirror of the business cycle, but a persistent structural issue that has distinct causes and requires distinct solutions that cut across fiscal, labor, social security, and education policies.

The new talent-based economy presents tremendous opportunities for personal, enterprise, and national growth and development. But its more intensive and rapidly evolving skills requirements have raised the bar for new workers. Traditional school-to-work channels, skills training models, and career paths that build on access to entry-level work, no longer function as well as they used to in channeling young people toward sustainable careers. And the very efficiency of the new economy means not enough jobs will be created for all the young people who want to work. The danger is that without aggressive, proactive job creation and youth employment strategies – the kind we haven’t seen in the past — we are looking at job scarcity, social tensions, and a lost generation of young people in both the developed and developing world.

Today, the biggest youth challenge is unemployment, the young adult generation lives with the support of the family, that is, from the solidarity of the parents and the closest relatives. Long-term unemployment makes young people, frustrated and dissatisfied because they are forced to delay them in time important functions, both for individuals and for society – marriage, parenting and such.

This project WORKPETENCE will have a direct and efficient impact not only on youth workers and participant’s organizations that will be into the project and the activities, but during and after the project the impact on youngsters and multipliers will be greater. Supporting the quality expertise provided by youth workers to youth in NEET through creating new tool for Assessment of Employment Competences.  Young people will be able to know and obtain a huge range of information useful for them on personal level, developed from recognized psychologists and career consultants. The project is focusing on the individual and not on the group as youth in NEET.


Workpetence is an Online tool for Competence Balance for Youth Employment, which aims to contribute to young people are ready to participate in the labor market. The project objective is to increase youth workers competences on youth employment.

The project Workpetence – Online tool for Competence Balance for Youth Employment is under the Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, within the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission. 

Photo by Redd Angelo on Unsplash