Zemlje članice Europske unije neminovno se nalaze u vremenima visoke nezaposlenosti mladih koja kotira vrlo visoko među trenutnim Unijinim izazovima. Unutar problematike nezaposlenosti mladih nalazi se još jedna – pad popularnosti zanatskih zanimanja.
Vlada Republike Hrvatske se, jednako kao i Hrvatski Zavod za Zapošljavanje, već godinama bori sa istim problemom. Još uvijek nisu pronašli rješenje kako kod mladih osoba pobuditi interes za zanatskim zanimanjima. Pokušali su to na mnogo načina – uveli su beneficije za osobe koje upisuju zanatsko obrazovanje ili neko drugo deficitarno zanimanje, osigurano im je zaposlenje odmah nakon završetka školovanja, uvedeno je mnogo novčanih poticaja od strane države – međutim za sada ništa od navedenog nije urodilo plodom.
Mnoga su istraživanja dokazala pad popularnosti zanatskih zanimanja. Prema statistikama HZZ-a, sve je više nezaposlenih mladih ljudi sa visokim obrazovanjem, dok je onih sa zanatskom diplomom tek nekoliko.
U posljednjih nekoliko godina trendovi prilikom biranja zanimanja i obrazovanja kod maldih osoba drastično su se promijenili. Bez obzira na činjenicu da će teško pronaći posao u struci, sve se više ljudi odlučuje na visoko obrazovanje. Razlozi su što je visoko obrazovanje postalo lako dostupno, jeftino, odnosno besplatno, i raznoliko. Također, povećala se popularnost takozvanih instant zanimanja (freelanceri) – u posljednje vrijeme nerijetko nailazimo na zanimanja poput blogera, youtubera, kolumnista, osobnog asistenta, specijalista za društvene mreže i slično. Za ova „zanimanja“ nije potrebna nikakva diploma, a omogućuju dobru zaradu. U velikom oceanu zanimanja ljudi neprestano traže nešto novo i zanimljivo, nešto što im neće oduzeti previše dragocjenog vremena, a donijet će im mnogo profita. Na ovakvoj burzi rada jedino što se traži je kreativnost i snalažljivost!
U 21. stoljeću zanimanja poput vodoinstalatera, postolara, poljoprivrednika sve su manje popularna. Za obavljanje ovakvih poslova potrebno je izdvojiti mnogo vremena, a zarada baš i nije velika te nema mogućnosti napredovanja.
Možda će Workpetence sa svojim online alatima uspjeti vratiti popularnost pomalo zaboravljenim zanatskim zanimanjima!
During the last few years, European Union coutries are dealing with a huge problem – unemployment of young population. There is a big challenge of solving this problem in front of them. Inside this issue there is another one – decreasing popularity of vocational carrers within young people.
Croatian government and Croatian Employment Service are dealing with the same problem for many years. They still didn’t find the solution how to encourage young people to choose a vocational carrer for their highschool education. There are many programs how to strenghten the craft industry – there are some benefits for students who choose these deficit professions, there is no fear of finding a proper job or losing one, various stimulants from the Government – but none of them made any progress.
Many inquiories have proved this fact. Statistics from the Croatian Employment Service say that the number of unemployed highly educated young people is increasing, while there are just a few of those with the vocational education.
During the last decades the trends in vocation and education have changed drastically. Higher education has become more popular – it has become cheaper or even free, more variuos and easily accessible – no matter that there is no security of finding the proper job after finishing school. Also, the instant jobs have become more popular – these so called modern „professions“ (freelancers) – blogger, youtuber, personal assistents, social network specialist etc. For these jobs one does not need any diploma but can make a big profit. In the ocean of professions people are always looking for something defferent and new, combining their creativity and ability to work. The most important factor when finding the job has become the salary, young people want to find the job where they don’t need to work much to gain a lot of money.
In the 21st century, vocations like plumber, shoemaker, upholsterer, mason, farmer are not popular any more. One needs to work a lot to gain the money, there is no possibility of progress and this kind of jobs are often unvaried.
Maybe Workpetence with the online tools can change the current situation and make that the vocational jobs become a trend again!
Photo by Maxime Agnelli on Unsplash