Ovoga ljeta odradili smo još jednu razmjenu mladih, i to od 06. do 14. kolovoza 2022. godine pod nazivom “CreA(c)tive youth! koja je okupila ukupno 31 mladu osobu iz Portugala, Latvije, Španjolske, Francuske i Hrvatske.
Cilj projekta bio je osnažiti mlade s manje prilika da postanu odgovorni, aktivni, kritični i solidarnim ponašanjem aktivni građani u lokalnoj i europskoj zajednici svjesni bogatstva kulturne raznolikosti i prilika za mlade u EU.
Sve aktivnosti i radionice odrađene su na neformalan način učenja, gdje su mladi bili kreatori sadržaja uz pomoć facilitatora, a dio programa bio je posvećen večernjim aktivnostima gdje se više otkrivalo o samim zemljama i kulturama sudionika, pripremala se hrana raznih okusa, učilo o pjesmama i plesovima, a imali su i priliku posjetiti lokalnu zajednicu i grad Labin.
Pogledajte našu galeriju i kako nam je bilo. 😀
Projekt je financiran od strane Agencije za mobilnost i programe Europske unije kroz Erasmus + program.
Svi mladi koji žele više saznati o tome što su Razmjene mladih i kako se uključiti, svakako neka nam se jave u Alfa Albonu kroz neke od društvenih mreža: Instagram ili Facebook, web stranicu udruge ili kroz posjet info centru na adresi Kalić 2 u Starom gradu Labinu kako bi im pomogli pronaći projekt u kojem bi sudjelovali i pripremiti ih za sudjelovanje na mobilnosti mladih

This summer, we held another youth exchange, from August 6 to 14, 2022, called “CreA(c)tive youth!”, which brought together a total of 31 young people from Portugal, Latvia, Spain, France and Croatia.
The aim of the project was to empower young people with fewer opportunities to become responsible, active, critical and active citizens in the local and European community, aware of the wealth of cultural diversity and opportunities for young people in the EU. All activities and workshops were done in an informal way of learning, where young people were content creators with the help of facilitators, and part of the program was dedicated to evening activities where they discovered more about the countries and cultures of the participants themselves, prepared food of various flavors, learned about songs and dances, and they also had the opportunity to visit the local community and the town of Labin.

Take a look at our gallery and see how we did. 😀


The project was financed by the Agency for Mobility and EU Programs through the Erasmus + program.

All young people who want to learn more about what Youth Exchanges are and how to get involved, should definitely contact us at Alfa Albon through some of the social networks: Instagram or Facebook, the association’s website or by visiting the info center at Kalić 2 in Stari Grad Labin to help them find a project to participate in and prepare them for participation in youth mobility