Prvi projekt kojeg smo proveli ovo ljeto bila je razmjena mladih pod imenom “Be heard, be liked” koja je okupila 37 sudionika iz Estonije, Litve, Španjolske, Francuske, Hrvatske i Rumunjske kako bi zajedno naučili više o medijskoj pismenosti. Ciljevi projekta: pružiti mladima, posebice onima s manje mogućnosti, vještine i alate za prepoznavanje dezinformacija i lažnih vijesti te vještine i alate za pristup vjerodostojnim informacijama te kritičku procjenu i proizvodnju medijskih sadržaja; Podržati zagovaranje i aktivizam mladih unutar osnaživanja mladih kao rezultat u kojem mladi, kao akteri promjena, stječu medijske vještine za utjecaj na vlastite živote i živote drugih mladih ljudi i zajednica u cjelini; Doživjeti multikulturalizam kroz susrete i rad s mladima koji dolaze iz različitih kulturnih i jezičnih sredina; Otkriti nove pristupe u neformalnom učenju koji utječu na sudjelovanje mladih; Osvijestiti europsku zajednicu i iskoristiti mogućnosti Erasmus+ programa kao alata za učenje o medijskoj pismenosti, pristupu, kritičkom vrednovanju i stvaranju medija.
Projekt je financiran od strane Agencije za mobilnost i programe Europske unije kroz Erasmus + program.
This summer too, we were very diligent, and for two months we exchanged the office in Labin for a summer camp in Tunarica, where we had various projects for young people. In order to bring you a touch of the atmosphere, but also to inspire you to participate in similar projects for young people, we bring you photos from the first youth exchange that we held, and in the following posts we will share the others as well.
The first project we carried out this summer was a youth exchange called “Be heard, be liked”, which brought together 37 participants from Estonia, Lithuania, Spain, France, Croatia and Romania to learn more about media literacy. Project goals: to provide young people especially those with fewer opportunities, with skills and tools to recognize misinformation and fake news, and skills and tools to access credible information and critically assess and produce media content; Support youth advocacy and activism within youth empowerment as a result of which youth, as agents of change, acquire media skills to influence their own lives and the lives of other young people and communities as a whole; To experience multiculturalism through meetings and work with young people who come from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds; Discover new approaches in informal learning that influence youth participation; To raise awareness of the European community and use the opportunities of the Erasmus+ program as a tool for learning about media literacy, access, critical evaluation and media creation.
The project was financed by the Agency for Mobility and EU Programs through the Erasmus + program.
All young people who want to learn more about what Youth Exchanges are and how to get involved, should definitely contact us at Alfa Albon through some of the social networks: Instagram or Facebook, the association’s website or by visiting the info center at Kalić 2 in Stari Grad Labin to help them find a project to participate in and prepare them for participation in youth mobility