U razdoblju od 25. do 28. listopada 2022. godine, dugoročna volonterka Alfa Albone – Milina Milčić sudjelovala je na Mid-term treningu u Zadru.
Mid-term trening obavezna je edukacija za sve volontere Europskih snaga solidarnosti čija volonterska služba traje duže od šest mjeseci. Kao što to i samo ime govori, obično se održava na polovici trajanja službe.
A više o samom treningu i iskustvu govori Milina;
Prošlog tjedna, između 25. i 28. kolovoza, imala sam odličnu priliku prisustvovati midterm evaluaciji u Zadru.
Za razliku od On Arrival treninga koji je bio na početku mog projekta, mislim da je midterm mnogo korisniji jer sam već imala iskustva s volontiranjem i imala sam puno pitanja. Još jedna stvar zbog koje sam bio jako sretan su ljudi koji su ga pohađali sa mnom. Svi su dolazili iz različitih sredina i njihovi projekti bili su vrlo različiti od mojih, ali svi su bili tako ambiciozni i inspirativni ljudi. Razgovor s njima i dijeljenje vlastitog iskustva i briga dali su mi puno odgovora i puno inspiracije za razdoblje do kraja mog projekta i još važnije za moj život nakon završetka projekta.
Jedan od mojih najdražih aspekata bila je činjenica da smo bili u tako lijepom gradu punom povijesti i uz more. Tako su naše radionice odrađivane dok smo šetali do grada ili smo mogli sjediti sami na plaži dok smo razmišljali o prethodnom razdoblju naših života i stvarima koje smo naučili.
Naravno u slobodno vrijeme otišli smo i do centra grada, kupali se u moru i gledali prekrasne zalaske sunca sa zadarskih plaža.
Sve u svemu, odlično sam se provela na srednjoj evaluaciji i naučio sam toliko toga, i od trenera i od mojih izvrsnih kolega volontera.
In the period from October 25 to 28, 2022, long-term volunteer Alfa Albone – Milina Milčić participated in the Mid-term training in Zadar.
Mid-term training is mandatory education for all volunteers of the European Solidarity Corps whose volunteer service lasts longer than six months. As the name suggests, it is usually held halfway through the service.
Milina talks more about the training and experience;
Last week, between 25th and 28th of August I had a great opportunity to attend the midterm evaluation in Zadar.
Unlike the On Arrival training that was in the beginning of my project, I found the midterm much more useful because I already had some experience with the volunteering and I had a lot of questions. Another thing that I was really happy about were the people that attended it with me. They all came from different backgrounds and their projects were very different from mine but they were all such ambitious and inspirational people. Talking to them and sharing my own experience and concerns gave me a lot of answers and a lot of inspiration for the period until the end of my project and more importantly for my life after the project ends.
One of my favorite aspects was the fact that we were in such a beautiful city full of history and also next to the sea. So our workshops were done while walking to the city or we could sit by ourselves on the beach while reflecting on the previous period of our lives and the things we have learned.
Of course in our free time we also went to the city center, swam in the sea and watched the beautiful sunsets from the Zadar beaches.
All in all, I had an amazing time on my midterm evaluation and I learned so much, both from the trainers and from my amazing fellow volunteers.