“Recycling for the future” naziv je Erasmus+ projekta koji se u periodu između 13. i 22. studenog 2018. godine u Moravskim toplicama na sjeveru Slovenije. Tema projekta bila je vezana uz recikliranje, odnosno uloga istog u kreiranju naše budućnosti. U projektu su sudjelovale mlade osobe iz Španjolske, Litve, Mađarske, Italije, Hrvatske i Slovenije. Osim što su imali prilike naučiti mnogo o recikliranju, stekli su nova poznanstva, upoznali različite kulture te izmijenili dragocjena iskustva.
Kroz temu recikliranja, organizatori su se dotakli i teme zagađenja okoliša koje je posljednjih nekoliko godina sve aktualnija tema. Sudionici su se upoznali sa statusom, zakonima i statistikama vezanim uz zagađenje okoliša te recikliranjem u drugim zemljama, a neki su čak i naučili nešto više o situaciji u svojoj zemlji. Aktivnosti su bile osmišljene tako da sudionike potaknu na razmišljanje i osmišljanje kreativnih rješenja kojima mogu pridonijeti očuvanju okoliša na lokalnoj, nacionalnoj, ali i međunarodnoj razini.
Kao primjer dobre prakse, sudionici su imali priliku posjetiti lokalnu tekstilnu tvrtku Puppa Design. Tvrtka radi po „upcycling“ konceptu ponovne upotrebe, odnosno otkupljuje odjeću koju poznati brendovi nisu uspjeli prodati i neiskorištete ostatke raznih materijala te od njih proizvode nove, unikatne komade odjeće. Činjenica je da je tekstilna industrija jedna od najvećih zagađivača našeg planeta. Odabirom lokalnih kompanija koje za proizvodnju tekstila koriste alternativne pristupe doprinosimo očuvanju okoliša!
Po završetku projekta svaki od sudionika dobio je Youthpass certifikat, dokument odobren od strane Europske Komisije kojim se potvrđuje njihovo sudjelovanje na projektu te kompetencije koje su stekli sudjelovanjem.
“Recycling for the Future” is the title of an international Erasmus + youth project carried out in Slovenian spa village Moravske Toplice between 13th and 22nd of November 2018. The main theme of the project was focused on recycling and with that the shaping of our future. The project brought together young participants from Spain, Lithuania, Hungary, Italy, Croatia and Slovenia, who spent ten days together, learned, socialized and shared their experiences.
With the topic of recycling, we wanted to encourage an open discussion on the problems of pollution that our society faces in recent years. Participants learned about the status, laws and statistics on pollution / recycling in other countries, and some have even learned more about the situation in their own country. The activities encouraged critical thinking of the participants and the creative search for everyday solutions with which, as individuals, we can help improve our environment at local, national and international levels.
As an example of good practice, the participants visited local textile company Puppa Design. Puppa Design is working within the concept of “upcycling”, which means that the unsold clothing and unused leftover materials of major brands are transformed into new and unique products. As the participants realized during the project, the clothing industry is one of the major contaminants of our planet. Supporting local companies that choose alternative approaches to textile production is just one of the steps leading to a cleaner environment.
At the end of the project, participants also received the Youthpass certificate, which confirms their participation and progress in key competences supported by the European Commission. The certificate can also be added to their CV and with serve as a confirmation of new experiences. The participants concluded the project with new knowledge, new experiences and new friendships. Thrilled by what they had experienced, the participants promised to meet again, at new projects.